How do you pull a particular 'release'?.How do you 'mark' 'tag' or 'release' a particular set of revisions for a particular set of files so you can always pull that one later?.How do you undo (revert or reset) a commit?.How do you merge files changed at the "same time"?.How do you handle binary files (visio docs, for instance, or compiler environments)?.How do you see the history of revisions to a file?.How do you compare two revisions of a file, or your current file and a previous revision?.How do you see what's uncommitted, or the status of your current codebase?.user, etc) that are not really part of the codebase? How do you configure it to ignore files (.obj.

How do you create a new project/repository?.Setup GIT Server with Msysgit on Windows.How do you set up Git? Try to cover Linux, Windows, Mac, think 'client/server' mindset.Your answers might hint at the possibilities, but try to aim for the beginner that wants to keep a 'main' repository on a 'server' which is backed up and secure, and treat their local repository as merely a 'client' resource. "Practical" being defined as this person doesn't want to get into great detail regarding what Git is doing in the background, and doesn't even care (or know) that it's distributed. "Beginner" being defined as someone who knows how to handle their compiler, understands to some level what a Makefile is, and has touched source control without understanding it very well. So what I need is a beginner's practical guide to Git. Ok, after seeing this post by PJ Hyett, I have decided to skip to the end and go with Git. It is not currently accepting new answers or interactions. This question and its answers are locked because the question is off-topic but has historical significance.